I Have Sold My Conscience
Posted on December 7, 2014 by archiearchive FCD
I was once a proud Australian.
Then I took part in an electoral process which led to tony abbott becoming Prime Minister.
tony abbott, who began by lying about something his predecessor said
and who, after his election, continued to lie about everything he said
and ignore all facets of truth.

He lied about no changes to Pensions even as he reduced the increases.
He lied about cuts to the ABC and SBS, calling them “efficiency dividends” before finally admitting they were cuts.
He lied about his education policy.
He, and his Ministers, lied about so many things.
Australia’s foreign aid was changed from being aid to help the needy to aid to help Australian Business people.
All of which made me sad
but not discouraged for these are the actions expected of a Tory
Government. Even if they did lie about them before the election.
What has destroyed my faith in Australia is what we have done to those refugees seeking our help.

We used to be the country of a “Fair Go”, of “Mateship”. Now we are a
Nation which has chosen to ignore our international obligations to help
We have chosen to thumb our collective nose at the UNHCR. We have
chosen to incarcerate the innocent. We have chosen to lock up children.
All in the name of “saving lives at sea”. And we have accepted the
secrecy our Government has imposed so that we do not even question
whether lives have been saved.
Yes that has destroyed my faith in my Nation.
Yet even all that did not cause me to reach the depths I have reached in this past 48 hours.
I now must give up my conscience.
We have a Prime Minister who was once intending to become a Priest,
with an Immigration Minister who is a member of an Evangelical Church,
with most of the rest of the front bench and a large group of
back-benchers being avowed Christians of assorted persuasions. Yet those
Biblical strictures appear to have no relevance.

have, individually and collectively, broken almost all of the Old
Testament’s Ten Commandments and the New Testament’s New Commandment
which Jesus gave to all who follow Him. “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.“
So we have a Government of Christians who, in other circumstances would be declared “Apostate”.
It is this Government which has destroyed my faith in my country.
Now my taxes, your taxes, will be going to schools set up to educate
new priests, parsons and ministers. The ones who hope to be a part of
Churches which have histories of Child Abuse.
That’s correct.
Our taxes are going to support and educate child abusers.
That is the final straw.
That is the real cause of my anger and my tears.
I need to join the rest of my Nation and sell off my conscience!
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